

The Canadian College of Health Service Executives Celebrates Four Decades with
a New Name, the Canadian College of Health Leaders

(Halifax, NS – October 15, 2010) – The Canadian College of Health Service Executives announced its new name, the Canadian College of Health Leaders during its October 2010 Board of Directors meeting in Halifax. The new name is reflective of who the College is today and its future direction. The College’s commitment to health leaders throughout their career and to Canada’s health system is reflected in the accompanying tagline – Learning, Leading, Inspiring.

For four decades, the Canadian College of Health Leaders has brought together established and emerging health leaders from across Canada to learn, network, and exchange best practices—all with the aim of strengthening Canada’s health system. The College is confident as it enters its next four decades that it is on track to build on, strengthen and renew its services, the new name speaks to the value and benefits of the organization.

“In our consultation with College members as well as potential members it became evident that many did not see themselves reflected in the old name, specifically in the term ‘health service executives’, either because their work was not properly in the health services domain or because they were not in what they perceived as an executive role. The new College name allows us to address this while preparing the College to better recognize the importance of developing leaders early in their career” said College President Ray Racette, MHA, CHE.

“Our new name clearly emphasizes our focus on leadership and learning and our alignment with the recently established LEADS in a Caring Environment leadership capabilities framework. It reflects our commitment to support leadership development across the continuum of a career” commented Board Chair John King, MHA, CHE.

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